E-Kad’s terms and conditions:

In summary, illegal workers can come forward with their employers to register and legalise their employment under the Immigration Department’s E-kad (enforcement card) programme starting 15 Feb – 30 June, 2017.
Among the terms and conditions are:
- Must have a valid employer falls under approved 5 sectors (construction, plantation, services, manufacturing and agriculture)
- Comply with the REHIRING conditions.
- Illegals from Source Countries and Approved Sectors only.
- “Suspect” status on Blacklist Immigration (BLI) allowed.
- Reported RUNAWAY disqualified.
- Unfit medical disqualified.
- Applied to Peninsular Malaysia only.
- Card is free and process takes 2 days.
- Middlemen and Agents not allowed.
- Only for 1 year extension.
- Those who has registered under Program Rehiring is not allowed to change Employer.
- Employers must not listed under “Blacklisted” by OSC, KDN and Immigration.